Friday, February 18, 2011

Enter the mind...


"Men are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt

This was a famous quote from the then President of the U.S.

It was said around the time when U.S. were at war with the Axis power...

I like this quote because, in my opinion, the present and future state of ourselves is totally determined by our own will.

In other words, we shape our own life.

If we choose to lead a very successful life, then, we will mold our mindset to achieve that goal.

However, if we think that we are naturally born to fail...then, whatever we do will be met with everlasting failure...even before we start doing it.

So, free up your mind from negative thinking, embrace a confident attitude and InsyaAllah (god willing) we can get/achieve what we want.

In the case of Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt, he managed to led his country to World War II glory against all odds when the country itself was recovering from a severe economic crash caused by the Great depression...

"Lo! Allah changeth not the condition of a folk until they (first) change that which is INSIDE themselves" (13:11)

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